Tuesday, November 13, 2007

new topic...seeds and pods

so thinking about what could potentially benefit my latest realization for my work i decided that it would be beneficial to look up seeds/pods and other sources where plant life comes from and is derived from. I'm not sure where this will lead me but i think looking at the forms and shapes of various pods can help to make my aesthetic decisions arrive at a different rate and through being informed about them i can then make decisions about how to execute what i will be making, where rather than just a pod or shape there is context behind what is being made and can potentially illustrate a period in the life of the plant or pod or even connected to me directly...we will find out where this research is going to take me, as of now i want to get started and figure it out

Monday, November 12, 2007


so i finally had an ephiphany after last weeks critique where paul discussed how they resembled growths and possibly fat areas where your flaws are and it made me realize how this was the jumpoff point for my work, and that these forms had to take on a life of their own celebrating their form with movement and position (still playing with gravity and light on growth) and weight. I feel as though the first few pieces were something that i had to do because of my background and way of thinking that i have become so accustomed to and not have realized and not forced my ideas into sculpture where i could not see them fit till now. Another part of this thinking is the way that jewelry lies with one flat part to the body hidden and the front on display and thinking how to get into viewing something from every direction and adding still movement to it.