Sunday, September 23, 2007

another thought...

When writing in my stream of consciousness journal i was thinking about another jeweler (i forgot her name will ask professor) who created stages for tomatoe growth altering the tomatoes shape permanently because there were wires wrapped around inhibiting the typical shape of the tomatoes and peppers. This made me think of a project i did in junior high where i created an environment so that the plant i was growing would follow the light, altering its shape and size even. Could i replicate this same experiment at a smaller scale with lima beans or another type of plant so that i alter its state/shape of growth. In effect making a series of wire/wax structures where i can then take these structures and naturally burn out and cast silver in place making an interesting piece, that plays with growth and development of a plant, where it can change everything and possibly showeverything that the plant goes through in growing...

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